fresh sans车图(传说之下sans车图)


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fresh sans车图


Sitting in the awning boat, we either tell jokes to each other, or listen to the friendly sculling sound of the awning boat. How rhythmic do you listen to it Or eat their hands fragrant pull sugar, not happy.


The tile house is a clean, earthy gray wall. There are orderly tiles arranged in an orderly way on the wooden shelf, which is neither monotonous nor boring. A sense of simplicity came to mind. This kind of beauty: it's a kind of characteristic beauty. The wooden beams are arranged in a row. Each of the unique and beautiful faucets at the joint means that a person flies like a dragon. The wooden frame is carved with exquisite patterns, which are pleasing to the eye. What are the dragon, the Phoenix, the mountain and the water Listening to the names is comforting.


By the time we got home, the sky was fading. I am reluctant to look at Xitang ancient town. This sentimental ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River is easy to forget and impetuous. It is peaceful and beautiful in the chaos.

苏州的夏天多雨,蒙蒙细雨如丝丝牛毛般从天而降,洒遍了水乡的每一个角落,把‘烟雨江南’这名儿尽显得淋漓尽致。七天的假期,没有远行,顺着韵儿的意思,我们三人一同前去了附近昆山市的周庄古镇。一路上韵儿不知道有多高兴,才刚下车就迫不及待的跑进了人群中,穿街绕巷,也顾不上我们俩的脚步。而我在仔细打量着行行 *** 游人,静静欣赏着这里的一景一物。怪楼,小桥,轻舟尽显眼底,几丝欣喜的笑容微挂在了嘴角上。惠怡倒表现的很安静,一直漫不经心地的陪在我身傍。

The summer in Suzhou is rainy. The drizzle comes down from the sky like the hair of a cow. It spreads all over the water town, making the name "Yanyu Jiangnan" vividly. Seven days of vacation, no long journey, follow the meaning of yun'er, we went to Zhouzhuang Ancient Town in Kunshan City. On the way, yun'er didn't know how happy she was. As soon as she got out of the car, she couldn't wait to run into the crowd, walk through the street and around the lane, and don't care about our steps. And I am carefully looking at the line color tourists, quietly enjoying the scenery here. Strange building, *** all bridge, light boat show the bottom of the eye, a few silk happy *** ile slightly hang in the corner of the mouth. Huiyi is very quiet. She always accompanies me casually.


As soon as I entered the town, I could *** ell a taste of Jiangnan. Crossing Wolong bridge, walking in Beizha street and river quay, three or two women beat their clothes with mallets. On the bank, wisps of white *** oke from the coal stove rose. In the distance, the winding green mountain can be seen faintly. A slanting sunset sprinkles down from the top of the mountain, which has the artistic conception of "there are people in the deep of the secluded lane".


Take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the peaceful stone road. Feel the gentleness of the ancient town like a woman in the south of the Yangtze River in the Tang Dynasty. That's another pleasant thing. It's a different feeling from watching the sound and waltzing. What is that? It should be gentle and quiet. It's as quiet as if it doesn't exist, but her beauty can't be ignored.


Xitang's specialty is also famous at home and abroad! For example, tofu flower stink tofu Bazhen cake, thickening solid cake and so on. Oh, especially the stinky tofu and the Gorgon fruit cake. One piece of golden stinky tofu is coated with a layer of chili sauce. Take a bite. It's crispy and fragrant. It's delicious! Tourists eat it while walking. The whole ancient town is full of attractive fragrance. Besides, Gorgon fruit cake. The meat is full and soft, fresh and delicious. It's really appetizing.


It is a folk song full of the local flavor of South Wuyi, which has been sung since far away; it is a simple pearl, from far and bright to today; it is a museum with a long history, shaking off the dust, leaving behind the precious. It is the ancient town of peace that miraculously retains more than ancient houses of Ming and Qing Dynasties.


The haze gathered in the sky of the ancient town. The drizzle gathered and dripped from the upturned corner of the eaves. They fell down and hit the *** all potholes on the ground, splashing a little water. They broke and gathered again. So not long, the sky on the eaves and the ground under the eaves are shrouded, a confused white, seems to cover the whole world. At this time, every family tightly covers the windows and doors, like a heart locked tightly for fear of being hurt by the outside world. However, there is another dilapidated door, which seems to open or close.


Mottled walls, leaving year after year's marks, row after row of houses arranged in order, the eaves angle slightly raised upward, seems to be a beautiful *** ile. The faded red brick and green tile also show the vicissitudes of life. The mystery of the ancient town is elusive, but it seems that it can't help what it has buried for so long. It has buried so many things that it can't hide any more. It wants to tell, it wants to give this day, to tell the old and mysterious things one by one


Walking along Nanxun old street, you can find the river near your feet. As a water town, there must be wind. It's very interesting that the water is covered with fishtail lines when the wind blows over the water.


In winter, there is no misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River. Although it is not as cold as in the north, the rest is still cold, but it also has some charm. Walking on the bridge of the ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River, I recall the way the ancients walked. Although we have traveled a lot, but I love the night scenery in Jiangnan, and that kind of simple Jiangnan water diversion.


At the end of the road, there is a stage that has not been managed for a long time. Beside the wood, there are weeds, which are very empty and dim. Light a candle, and the flames are swaying in the wind through the hole in the wall This stage used to be brilliant, turned into dust on wood, and will remain in people's memory forever.


People are even more intimate. After bathing in clear water, they feel more relaxed in body and mind. Grandma selling rice cakes, warmly invited us to eat rice cakes. Brush oil and discharge. It's delicious! When we came to the wood and bamboo shop, the old man played with bamboo and wood for us, and also took us to visit the treasures. It's a real eye opener. For dinner, the old man made us two yellow cucumbers Two strange families, in this close Town, become very familiar.


The old city street is known as "the first street in Fujian". The ancient street has a total length of more than meters and a width of - meters. The center of the street is paved with bluestone. From north to south, it forms "nine curves and thirteen bends" with its shape, just like a green dragon flying in the air. On both sides of the ancient street, there are nearly 100 crisscross and reticulated cobblestone roadways, either long or short, or wide or narrow, with high walls and narrow lanes, which are simple and secluded.


The red paint of that door is totally different. Only a few of them can distinguish the bright red. But there is a white double happiness on the door. The wind gently touches the broken door, so the door makes a "squeak and squeak" laugh. In the black room, there is an old woman sitting, holding a needle and thread in her hand, sewing the clothes in her arms. Maybe it was so many years ago. Only because of this, the fine folds on the clothes in her arms would slowly climb up her bright and clean forehead. Therefore, she changed from a young woman to an old woman full of silver.


When you enter Heping Town, you are still amazed by its traditional culture, simple folk customs and rich specialties. "Peace Academy" is still full of book fragrance in the sleeves of the villagers, and the folk style of respecting teachers, emphasizing teaching and learning is infiltrating the students. There is a strong atmosphere of study and study, with a blazing style of writing and outstanding people. From the Tang Dynasty to the abolition of the imperial examination, peace out of the Jinshi, known as the "Jinshi town.". The folk literature, folk music, drama and dance remains here are quite rich, and there are more than kinds of dances, mainly including flower drum lantern, Qiqiao lantern, stilts, knives and flower dances, etc. What's more precious is the Nuo dance that started in slave society under peaceful preservation, which can be called the living fossil of ancient culture. And farmhouse wine, carp and tofu, and square meter flour, let visitors appreciate the leisure and warmth of the ancient town for thousands of years.


As we walked by, we unconsciously came to a department store. Inside, the goods are really antique. Look, umbrella made of silk, doll made of bamboo and tea set made of wood. I can't help it. I really want to buy all the objective beings home, but I don't have so much money in my pocket.


That night's splendor, whitewashed whose time, engraved on the desk of poetry and painting, clear out the scars in whose memory, you said that the dream is not where to settle down, your folder spread out the Jiangnan ink painting, in the rain lane, in the ancient town, in every dream time we passed together. But you still choose the end of the world, thick picture folder, messy hair, entangled with my life's concern. You said that you like Sanshou characters, you listen, gentle night, Hexi.


When I came to the ancient town of Anchang, I looked around as if I had returned to the past. You see, the road paved with slate, the bridge paved with slate, the column made of slate. If we let the tourists wear the ancient clothes, we can't tell whether they are modern or past.


Water! A stream flows quietly, like a silver chain in the sun. I quickly played with water, *** ooth bluestone board, *** all black fish The water is clear, and the boulders on the riverbed are clear. Big, *** all, many children are playing in the water. The water splashed all over the air and became a pearl necklace, fresh and clear. Splashed water drops fall, with *** all ripples, crystal clear and colorful.


Since I was born, I have been living in this *** all ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River. Every day, I walk in the early morning fog on the gravel path, bathed in the sweet and fresh air every time, watching the *** all bridge water and listening to the oars.


When you get to Xitang, don't go by mistake to take a wupeng boat after dinner. Red lanterns were lit up on the boat, which reflected with the lanterns under the eaves of the shore. Sitting in the bow of the awning boat, tasting tea and facing the wind, a refreshing feeling came into being. The moonlight reflected on the water, like a little spark lighting up the shimmering River, which increased the warm color of the river. It's really "people go to spend time in the middle of the water, and the shadow waves up and down at the end of the month".


In the ancient town, even the path paved with bluestone is so antique. The fire red high-heeled shoes collide with the bluebrown slate, making a "Dong Dong" sound, which sounds like a piano playing a fairy like note. They laugh, run, and are as beautiful as the sunshine dancing on the city wall and the gorgeous waltz.


We visited Jiangnan ancient town with *** all bridges and flowing water. It is very prosperous. There are rice shops, cloth shops, barbershops, pawnshops Some students also go to the rice to find out if it's really rice.


The haze gathered in the sky of the ancient town. The drizzle gathered and dripped from the upturned corner of the eaves. They fell down and hit the *** all potholes on the ground, splashing a little water. They broke and gathered again. So not long, the sky on the eaves and the ground under the eaves are shrouded, a confused white, seems to cover the whole world. At this time, every family tightly covers the windows and doors, like a heart locked tightly for fear of being hurt by the outside world. However, there is another dilapidated door, which seems to open or close.


Slate is Qing Dynasty. All kinds of slate are put together naturally. The high and low stone slabs once again led the road to a new corner. There are also many slate colors, blue, pure and flawless, black in green, and green, with some fresh green. Watching carefully, I seem to hear the tap, as if I saw the years of rings.




















意思是:处于新的压力下。 这个短语并不常用,可用在句中或句末。



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